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Rooftop Solar

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Potential Savings


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How we can help you make significant savings










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How we can help you?


Ace’s “strategic alliances” in the Energy/ Power Sector

How Ace can help you make significant savings in power costs?

Ace can, in a step-by-step manner, assist you in the following ways:


1.    Feasibility Study & Pay-Back of Initial Investment/ one-time costs

We will dive deep into your electricity consumption and diesel generation data.

We will actually get the estimated cost of one-time infrastructure.

Based on these inputs we will calculate the actual monthly cost savings that can be expected, and calculate the pay-back-period.


2.    Actual Setting-up Rooftop Solar

Ace has strategic alliances with industry leaders in rooftop solar, who provide CAPEX as well as OPEX business models.

We will get the site survey carried out.

Based on this site survey, we will advise you the capacity of rooftop solar you can install and the potential annual savings you can generate for the next 25 years.


3.    Arranging finance

Yes, we can arrange finance for the equipment through established financial institutions like IREDA, SIDBI, and through many NBFCs.


Learn all about saving energy costs on our site.  We are always glad to meet you in person and assist you.  So, Contact us!

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