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Rooftop Solar

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Energy Efficiency









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Rooftop Solar – Save on power bills

·      Industries, malls, hospitals, offices, suffer from power outages/ load shedding;

·      Cost of power from generators is prohibitively expensive as the all inclusive cost is estimated at Rs.15/ unit;

·      The cost of utility power also is going up by about 7% every year;

·      Solar has already achieved parity with utility prices in Delhi, Maharashtra and Kerala, even without subsidies;

·      This page is about significant savings in power costs by installing rooftop solar systems


Key Benefits:


·      Significant Savings on utility and generator power costs;

·      Relief from annual increase in power tariffs;

·      Reduced running of generator;

·      Accelerated depreciation and tax savings;

·      30% MNRE Subsidy on capital investment;

·      You contribute towards reduction of greenhouse gases and climate change.



Learn all about saving energy costs on our site.  We are always glad to meet you in person and assist you.  So, Contact us!









Total Energy Management based on R2P Principle

We help our clients in saving significant amounts from energy costs, in all the three areas, through our strategic alliance and deep linkages.











 Consultants to IEX











Ace has been appointed a consultant by Indian Energy Exchange (IEX), India’s largest energy exchange, for market development and creating awareness


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Open Access



Electricity consumers with a load of 1.0 MW and above can make significant savings in power and fuel costs, by purchasing power in the open markets.

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